Ohio Conference Coronavirus (COVID-19) RESPONSE & Updates

The spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) is continuing in Ohio and across our nation at a rapid rate.

The Ohio Conference  wants to direct our churches and members, schools and churches to the best resources regarding personal and public safety, both in your homes and local churches.

This page contains the latest information available for our members. Please note the date of each update for current news, information, and counsel.

We strongly recommend everyone follow the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, World Health Organization, Adventist Risk Management, as well as the State of Ohio Department of Health.


August 13, 2020

“Some months ago, I made an urgent appeal to our constituency, to remain faithful in giving during the COVID crisis,” said Bob Cundiff. “I did this out of great concern for the Lord’s work as well as our employees for the Ohio Conference.

“Praise the Lord and thank you to our faithful constituents who have been so generous and open handed with your resources,” he said.

“As a denomination that cares deeply about the health and wellness of our members and our community, it seems appropriate that the Seventh-day Adventist Church should be a leader in caring for others – even if it causes a minor inconvenience to me,” said Cundiff. “Thank you to the majority of you who are practicing faithfulness in your giving, and in your mask wearing, and in how you represent us as a church. You have gone above and beyond in your giving, and now you are going above and beyond in your care and concern for one another.”

Watch this video message for additional details.