Disciple Ohio



Disciple Ohio: Complete Member Involvement

Recognizing the 21stCentury challenges Christians face in sharing Jesus Christ, the Ohio Conference seeks to equip all members in being successful disciples. Challenged by demanding schedules, pastors, whether in a multi-church district or a multi-pastor congregation, can struggle in finding the time and resources necessary to equip. 

Disciple Ohio is an initiative seeking to assist pastors and congregations in providing the time and resources through skilled and passionate trainers. These trainers share what it means to be a disciple through mentoring and teaching opportunities through a focus on knowing three things crucial in the life of a disciple.


Knowing God through Worship.
Whether as a body of believers or in the quiet moments by yourself, knowing God is a key first step in the life of any disciple. This takes place through Bible study, prayer, music, sermons, etc.

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Knowing Each Other Through Fellowship.
The life of the disciple is not to be lived in isolation. Rather, it is our fellowship which helps to show the world Jesus. Disciples gain this fellowship by knowing each other when meeting together in small groups, meals (whether at the church or in each other’s homes), worship, social activities, or just sharing time together. 

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Knowing Others Through Witness.
The world is scarred terribly by sin. Many people struggle with a wide and complex range of issues. But in Jesus Christ, there is hope. The Great Commission of Matthew 28:18-20 commands disciples to know others through witnessing, whether at work, in the community or at church. 

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Although daunting in scope, Disciple Ohio seeks to engage the congregations in all eight regions of the Ohio Conference, with full-time mentors/teachers in each region assisting pastors and churches in helping members reach their full potential as disciples for Jesus Christ in their communities. Funds donated faithfully to Vision Ohio will help to further the efforts of the dedicated workers who are helping prepare vibrant congregations of faithful disciples, whose impact will yield a rich harvest of lives ready for the soon return of Jesus Christ.