Women’s Ministries

Feeling overwhelmed? Anxious? Stressed? Alone?

Ladies, we have missed you.

We understand the past months have been excruciating.

We want to offer you an oasis: A time for fellowship, encouragement, and most importantly, prayer.

The Ohio Conference Women’s Ministries department wants to offer you a much-needed respite. A time for you to hit the “reset” button.

Join us for a three-part event: “You Are Enough,” based on the new book by Tamyra Horst, “Enough: Discovering A God Who Is Enough When You’re Not.”**

Together we will discover God in your “not enoughness.”

Find out:

  • who defines what “enough” is,
  • why the enemy wants to keep us feeling inadequate,
  • how accepting the lie affects our relationships,
  • what to do when you mess up,
  • where to find peace with yourself, and
  • how to speak the truth to other women.

Experience the joy and peace and hope Jesus brings, and learn to accept that you are chosen, wanted, and accepted. Find your purpose and passion, and embrace the role God designed just for you. Because through Him, you are enough.

This is not a “book club.” This is not “another” Zoom meeting.


We encourage you to come as you are…bedhead and jammies and all.

Enjoy an hour filled with worship in music, prayer, fellowship, and reflection. Spend time with women from across the state, enjoy spiritual renewal. You are not alone. With God, YOU are ENOUGH.

Join us via Zoom for three Sundays, from 11:00 AM to 12:00 NOON:

  • August 16PRIZES for those wearing their favorite jammies (PG please)
  • September 13 – TEA anyone? Brew a cup of your favorite tea and grab a scone while we come together.
  • October 11A VERY SPECIAL GUEST will join us!

This is a FREE event.

**Purchasing a copy of Tamyra’s book “Enough” is not required, but will help you as we discuss the sections each Sunday. FREE copies will be given away each week to those who register.

You may purchase a hard copy through the Adventist Book Center for $15.99.
If you prefer digital versions, you can find them for Kindle at Amazon for $8.99 or Nook at Barnes & Noble for $8.99.

Questions? Contact Heidi Shoemaker, Women’s Ministries director.

Register here or in form below.

What is Women’s Ministries?

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Celtic Christmas Tea Recipes!

Download recipes here