Revivalist – Ohio Conference


Gospel Minister, Radio-TV Evangelist Lonnie Melashenko is now the Ohio Conference Revivalist.

Ohio is blessed to be able to utilize Melashenko’s ministry, available live-and-in-person!

Melashenko schedules weekend appointments anywhere within North America or throughout the world.

A “Menu of Possibilities” includes:

  1. Pre-Evangelistic Rally
  2. Church Plant Rally
  3. Church Plant Rally with One-year Follow-Up Reaping/Decision Weekend of Meetings
  4. Area-Wide Convocations
  5. Special Church Centennial/Celebration Sabbaths or weekends
  6. Camp Meeting
  7. Revival Weekend (Friday, Sabbath a.m./p.m.)
  8. Conference Office Week of Prayer (Mon-Thurs)
  9. Conference Staff or Committee Retreat
  10. Other Special Assignments
  11. Workers Meetings/Teachers Meetings: Inspiration/Devotional
  12. Union Sessions: Inspirational/Devotional
  13. Custom-designed Events: Hospital Mission and Governance Conferences, Workshops, etc.

Visit to learn more about Lonnie Melashenko or to schedule him to come to your church. You may also email him by clicking this link.